
Posts Tagged ‘puttering’


Here are things I would like to complete before Friday morning.

1.  Back a from-scratch chocolate cake for my former floormate Millard, who was ordained last weekend

2.  Re-write my CV

3. Check out (as in borrow from a library) Said’s _Orientalism_ and begin reading

4. Mail three insurance forms and a thank-you note

5. Call Sprint and complain about/revise my plan; call a local Episcopal priest re premarital counseling

6.  Send deposits to the wedding photographer and florist (with note to the florist)

7.  E-mail: the former president of my school re the new Journal I’m founding, three people re Student Senate, and my church re the rehearsal dinner

An assortment, one not really related to the other.  I really dislike making phone calls.  Getting stamps is also annoying, and precludes everything I need to send by post.  Writing my CV should be enjoyable, but I lost the first one and wish I could just find it.

Tomorrow I don’t have class because it’s Fall Break.  So ostensibly I should be able to get everything done.  Friday morning I have a “meeting” (IM) with my Journal co-founder in Israel, and then off to work.  So tomorrow is The Day for to-do lists.  Perhaps also if I _schedule_ in puttering time, it will also still feel like I’m having a Fall Break.  I think no matter what, I’ll take a walk around the neighborhood–I want to see all of my favorite sights now, at the height of Fall.

(from one of my favorite spots)

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